Stages of a syphilis
Symptoms of a syphilis
Treatment of a syphilis
Analyses on a syphilis
Questions and answers


 Syphilis - a photo Syphilis - classical venereal disease. For the Syphilis typically defeat of a leather(skin), mucous membranes, internal bodies (cardiovascular system, a stomach, a liver), osteo-articulate and nervous systems.

The syphilis is the general (common) infectious disease and at absence of treatment or inadequate therapy proceeds is long, years. The syphilis is characterized by wavy current with change of the periods of an aggravation by the latent periods. The syphilis in the active form is observed by displays on a leather(skin), mucous membranes, in internal bodies. For the latent period of a syphilis typically absence of clinical attributes.
Syphilis ( syphilis - osh.) that hidden is characterized only by positive serological reactions of the blood.

 Syphilis photoThe syphilis on a level of desease, threat to health of the population, the certain difficulties in treatment takes a special place not only among venereal illnesses and the diseases transmitted in sexual way (DTSW), but also among all infectious diseases. The level of desease a syphilis, since 90th years of the last century, inevitably raises.

The syphilis last years has got prominent features:

  • The percent(interest) of the latent syphilis has increased;
  • The expressed defeat, first of all, nervous and immune systems at fallen ill with a syphilis, even in the primary period;
  • Masking of a syphilis under other diseases, including, not transmitted in the sexual way, presence of a syndrome of the intoxication expressed by undue fatiguability;
  • Malignant current of a syphilis; the syphilis is diagnosed for women is more often, is especial at girls, girls of 13-15 years, that, probably, can be connected to development of uncontrollable sphere of intimate services;
  • Significant growth of a syphilis among pregnant women;
  • Increase of a syphilis among newborns;
  • an increase in the period of the normalization of positive serological reactions to syphillis;
  • the association of syphillis with VICH (AIDS) - by infection, hepatites v and s, by the concealed sexual infections (CSI) and syphillis.
    One of principal causes of change of current of a syphilis is unjustified application of antibacterial preparations with the purpose of self-treatment, or in case of a mistake directed by the diagnosis.

 Syphilis of a photoThe syphilis is caused pale pale teponemoy - microbe of spiral-shaped form, with the large mobility. Pale treponema during the multiplication is divided into several parts. The period of the multiplication of pale treponemy is equal to 33 hours (which plays important role with the treatment of syphilis). With the unfavorable conditions treponemy are converted and remain in the cysts and in L- forms.

Infection with a syphilis occurs more often in the sexual way, less often in the household way, at contact to a syphilis separated the patient. Infection with a syphilis probably from mother to a fruit, at blood transfusion. Also it is possible to be infected with a syphilis through sperm of the patient at absence at him(it) seen displays on genitals.

See further stages of a syphilis

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