Lethal outcomeQuestion: Is dangerous syphilis for the life?
The answer: the Syphilis (syphilis - osh.) it is the chronic disease, the periods of aggravation of which are changed by latent periods. In the course of time syphilis strikes vital organs and concludes with lethal outcome. Why do not pass spotsQuestion: Within last two months of me disturbs dry cough, on a back, legs(foots) there are spots. What could it be?
The answer: You should visit the doctor of dermatovenerologist, most likely to you will rekomendovano return the analyses of the blood to syphillis , VICH, hepatites v and s. In the case of "negative" - (good) analyses is necessary the inspection apropos of allergic dermatoses, dermatitis. Possibly it will be required to return the biochemical analysis of the blood. Red eyesQuestion: In the course of year i have red eyes, sometimes after the use of beer appears pus in the corners of eyes. Were first used the drops of vizin independently. It helped by several days. Then it were turned to the oculist. The treatment assigned helped not long. What in me can be?
The answer: Completely in possible you is present one or more of the concealed sexual infections; therefore you should turn to the venerologist and be inspected on the infection, transferred through sex (IPPP) ( khlamidioz , gonorrhea ) and other it is necessary to remember also about the fact that all forms of bacteria and viruses strike the mucosas of both the urino-genital organs and of the cavity of mouth, conjunctiva of eyes and a certain time remain in the saliva, the sperm, the isolations of urino-genital organs. Isolations and the itchQuestion: In me from time to time appear the isolations and itch in the sheath. With the inspection to the venereal diseases nothing they revealed. What in me can be?
The answer: You should return bacteriological analysis to the flora (conditionally pathogenic flora, which includes staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, coliform bacteria, etc.). |