Stages of a syphilis
Symptoms of a syphilis
Treatment of a syphilis
Analyses on a syphilis
Questions and answers (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

Complications of syphillis

Question: How is dangerous syphillis?


The answer:

Complications of syphillis:

  • In the primary period solid chancre in men can be complicated by balanitis, balanopostitom, by inflammatory phimosis, by paraphymosis, gangrenizatsiyey and fagedenizmom.
  • In the second period can be observed syphilitic baldness (on 3-5 month of disease), defeat of the bones, joints and periosteum.
  • In the tertiary period occurs the irreversible destructive defeat of internal organs (defeat of soft and hard palate, arcs, language, throat with the formation of openings, osteomyelitis, gidrartrozy and osteoarthroses, the inflammation of the bone, periosteum, the defeat of nervous system, aorta, heart and other organs).

Infection by syphillis

Question: How it is possible to be infected by syphillis?


The answer: The basic way of infection by syphillis - direct contact - sexual report, potselui(the source of infection are sick person). The transfer of syphilis is possible from the mother to fruit, with the blood transfusion. It is possible to be infected by syphillis through the sperm of patient in the absence in it of the visible changes on the sex organs.

Diagnostics of syphillis

Question: How is conducted diagnostics of syphillis?


The answer: Diagnostics of syphillis is based on the collection of anamnesis, clinical inspection and on the results serological studies of the blood: 1. reaction of Wasserman (RW), 2. RPH, 3. RPR - test, 4. RiF in the modifications, 5. RIT.

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