Stages of a syphilis
Symptoms of a syphilis
Treatment of a syphilis
Analyses on a syphilis
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Stages of syphilis

Syphilis is characterized by the alternation of active manifestations with the latent periods.
Syphilis is divided into the incubative period, the primary, second and tertiary periods. Incubative period usually lasts approximately one month.

  • SYPHILIS PRIMARY (syphilis I primaria) is characterized by the appearance of a primary syphiloma and by the reaction of regional lymphatic it is main. Syphillis primary seronegative (syphilis I seronegativa) is characterized by negative serological reactions during the course of treatment. With syphilis primary seropozitivnom (syphilis I seropositiva) serological reactions become positive in proportion to sensitivity and specificity.
  • SYPHILIS SECOND (syphilis II secundaria) is caused by the propagation of pale treponemy hematogenically (through the blood) and by the appearance of precipitations on the skin and the mucous membranes, by the defeat of nervous system. Syphilis second flows undulating: active manifestations are changed by the concealed form of syphillis. Syphilis second is divided into the fresh (syphilis II recens), the recurrent (syphilis II recidiva) and latent periods (syphilis II latens).
  • SYPHILIS TERTIARY (syphilis III tertiaria) - follows second syphilis and is characterized by the irreversible defeats of internal organs and nervous system. Syphilis tertiary is developed because of the absence of therapy or defective treatment of patients by primary and second syphilis.
  • CONCEALED SYPHILIS (syphilis latens) is characterized by the absence of the defeat of the skin, the mucous membranes and internal organs; however, serological reactions to syphilis positive. Early that hidden cifilis (syphilis latens praecox) - from the moment of infection have passed less than 2 years. Late that hidden cifilis(syphilis latens tarda) - from the moment of infection have passed more than 2 years. The patients with this form of syphilis are revealed randomly with the preventive medical examinations.
    Syphilis imprecisely defined hidden (syphilis ignorata) - the period of infection to establish is impossible.
  • SYPHILIS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM - NEYROSIFILIS (NEUROSYPHILIS): early (neurosyphilis praecox) - the remoteness of syphillis of up to 5 years, late (neurosyphilis tarda) - is more than 5 years.
  • SYPHILIS IS VISCERAL (syphilis visceralis) - syphilis, with which are struck internal organs (heart, brain, spinal cord, lungs, the liver, stomach, kidneys).
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