Symptoms of syphilis |
Symptoms of syphilisSymptoms of syphilis of the primaryThe symptom of syphilis of primary period is solid chancre - spot of red color, which is converted into the papule, then - into the erosion or the ulcer. Solid chancre is one of the important it is indicative syphillis of the first stage. Solid chancre has clear boundaries, in the overwhelming majority of the cases - in the base it palpates packing - infiltration, the signs of inflammation be absent. The painlessness of primary syphiloma is one of the symptoms of syphilis. The signs of syphilis are the ekstragenital'nye chancres, located in perianal region, on the lips, language, on the fingers, in the region of mammary gland. The symptom of syphilis is also regional it skleradenit - an increase in the regional (adjacent) lymphatic it is main, with the palpation they plotnoelasticheskoy consistency, they are painless. Specific lymphangitis is the third symptom of syphillis - lymphatic vessel palpates in the form of the elastic belt, painless with the palpation. Now this sign of syphilis does not have diagnostic significance.
Symptoms of syphilis of the second Syphilis (syphilis- osh.) second period it is manifested in the form of precipitations on the skin and mucous membranes. The signs of syphilis of this stage are diverse. The symptoms of syphilis of second period include the rozeoleznaya rash: the spots of pink color located disorderly or are grouped into the semirings and the rings, it is most frequently located on the body. The sign of syphilis is syphilitic leykoderma - it appears through half a year after infection, more frequent in women, it is located on the rear and side of neck, it is characterized by the appearance of the hyper- and hypoed-pigment spots. Papules are the symptom of syphilis, they can appear after the appearance of spots. The symptoms of syphillis are also the papules, located on the palms and the soles, on the fibrous part of the head, on the mucous membrane of oral cavity - in the language, on the almonds, before the sky, on the lips. Hoarseness of voice up to aphonia because of the arrangement of papules on the vocal chords is the pathognomonic symptom of syphilis of this period. The sign of syphilis of second are the pustulous syphilides, which are appeared more thinly than examined higher. Pustulous elements appear in patients with the lowered immunity, with the association of syphilis with VICH, by hepatites v and s, by the infections, transferred through sex - by khlamidiozom, gonorrhea, ureaplazmoy, by mycoplasma. Alopecia ( baldness), is the symptom of syphilis of second recurrent, it is characterized by precipitation of eyebrows, eyelashes, hair on the head, in the armpits and on the pubes. Symptoms of syphilis of the tertiaryThe symptoms of syphilis of tertiary period are developed in 3-5 years in untreated patients or those received defective treatment. The signs of syphilis of this stage are:
The symptoms of syphilis of visceral they are the defeat
Signs of syphilis of the nervous system