Agent of disease |
Agent of diseaseQuestion: What is the agent of syphillis?
The answer: Agent - pale treponema Of shaudinna- Of goffmanna. Pale treponemu it is easy to reveal in all syphilitic manifestations on the skin and mucous membranes in the so-called infectious period of syphillis; it is revealed also in the lymph nodes, the saliva, the blood, and other media. Comparatively rapidly it perishes with drying (i.e. out of the organism) of treponema. Infection by syphilisQuestion: How does occur infection by syphilis?
The answer: Sick person is the source of propagation. Basic way of infection - direct contact - sexual report, kisses. Are possible also extra-sexual syphilis (innate, everyday) and some other forms. Formulation of diagnosis - syphilisQuestion: How is made diagnosis in the primary period of syphilis?
The answer: Diagnosis is based on the results serological studies of the blood: The reaction Of Wasserman, RPGA, REEF. Important value they have a collection of anamnesis and clinical picture with the manifestnoy form (with the manifestations on the skin and the mucosas). Extra-sexual way of infection by syphillisQuestion: By what methods, excluding sexual, it is possible to be infected by syphillis? Is cured syphillis finally?
The answer: The extra-sexual way of infection by syphillis is possible with the kisses, bites, breast feeding, with the transfusion of blood of the patient with syphillis, with the straight contacts of medical personnel. In the rare cases is possible the infection through different biological substrata (saliva, excrements, pus, mucus, breast milk), which contain pale treponemy. Trans-placental infection occurs through the vessels of the struck placenta in the period of pregnancy and leads to the intrauterine infection by syphillis of fruit with the formation of innate syphillis. Syphilis is cured sufficiently rapidly at the early stages and it is easy. |