Stages of a syphilis
Symptoms of a syphilis
Treatment of a syphilis
Analyses on a syphilis
Questions and answers (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

Periods of syphillis

Question: What there are the periods of syphillis?


The answer: Periods of syphillis:

  • incubative period (from the moment of infection to the appearance of a solid chancre). The usual duration of 3-4 weeks (possibly from the week to 3 months). It can be lengthened with the method of antibiotics.
  • primary period - is characterized by the appearance of a solid chancre or primary syphiloma in the place of the penetration of pale treponem.
  • second period begins 7-10 weeks after infection and it lasts from 3 to 5 years. It is characterized by the defeat of mucosas, by changes in the skin, internal organs and central nervous system.
  • tertiary period is observed through several years after infection approximately in half of the untreated patients. It is surprised the skin, mucosas, joints, bone system, internal organs with the irreversible ch

Incubative period of syphillis

Question: Why in different publications are noted the different incubative periods of syphillis ?


The answer: At present incubative period can it lasts from 3-4 weeks to 4-5 weeks. As a rule this in essence it is connected with the ingestion of medicines, including with the unjustified method of antibiotics. Different factors also play role: the weight of patient, the presence of the associated diseases, the state of the immunoy system of organism. Is possible the decrease of incubative period to 2 weeks in the weakened patients with the chronic diseases (alcoholism, tuberculosis, etc.).

Propali the symptoms of syphillis

Question: Propali the symptoms of syphillis. Does mean this that I it is healthy?


The answer: Solid chancre even without the treatment disappears 4 - 8 weeks after appearance (it can remain small hem). But this does not speak, that syphillis of izlechilsya.V this moment it changes to the concealed form, during which occurs the stormy multiplication of pale spirochaetae. This latent period concludes with an increase in all lymphatic it is main, by the appearance of indisposition, tiredness, head be ill, subfebrile temperature, be ill in the joints, the muscles. Recovery is determined only by laboratory methods.

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