Stages of a syphilis
Symptoms of a syphilis
Treatment of a syphilis
Analyses on a syphilis
Questions and answers (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)

Treatment of syphillis

Question: How is conducted the treatment of syphillis?


The answer: The treatment of syphillis is based on the appropriate standards established in the world. In the treatment of syphilis in essence the specific antibacterial preparations of several groups and generations are used. The treatment of syphillis is required, is conducted under a constant control of doctor - venerologist and it is constructed according to the individual principle (they are considered the stage of syphillis, the mass of the body of patient, the presence of the associated diseases and other factors). As a rule the course of the treatment of syphillis lasts from several weeks (with the early forms) to 1,5 - 2 years with the late forms of syphillis.

Syphilitic gumma

Question: What such is syphilitic gumma?


The answer: Syphilitic gumma is painless knot and is located in the depth of subcutaneous cellular tissue. Usually with value the walnut, cyanotic- red color. Gumma has polusharovidnuyu form, plotnoelasticheskuyu consistency, they are single and are localized usually on the shins and the forearms. Gummy ulcer is painless, it has the dense roller-shaped of edge and correct form. Their appearance usually provokes by mechanical injury. Gummas can be complicated by second infection.

Symptoms of the second period of syphillis

Question: How is manifested the second period of syphillis?


The answer: The second period of syphillis begins from the appearance of a rash and it can last from 2 to 5 years. It is characterized (in the absence of treatment) by the alternation of the phases of active precipitations with the concealed asymptomatic phases. With the first wave of precipitations on the skin of body, extremities and on the mucous membranes the abundant bright rash, which consists most frequently of the spots, appears, it is thinner of the knots (papules). Solid chancre or its remainders remain at this time in patients, an increase in the adjacent lymphatic it is main.

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